Monday, August 17, 2015

Thanks Michele!

Stopped by one of my favorite places for snackage in the state today, Michele's Gourmet Popcorn, was out that way reviewing a place I'm gonna post about tomorrow, anyway, stopped into Michele's because we always do when out that side of the state, and wanted to pop in one last time before the new store opens, because, well, maple popcorn.

As you can see we got a ton of great stuff, popcorn cupcakes and a case of my favorite locally made soda which i can't get on this side of the state, even though I have many times posted on social media asking why not. But thats a rant for another time.

Anyway, I just wanted to drop a post thanking Michele for a lovely time and a fun talk while in her shop today, not many owners will do that sort of thing and interact with the customers on that level, truly a class act, there should be more shop owners like her.

For now though, just look at how amazingly good these cupcakes are... Sorry for the blur, was trying to adjust for lighting, failed miserably....

I truly can't wait till the new store opens in October.... Also, if you are ever up in the 603 (thats new hampshire for the unhip or those that aren't good with area codes), seriously, you need to make a trip to get their popcorn and baked goods, and other sweats, of which i restrained myself from getting all of today lol...



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